Contents of ecowitt/ecco_lcl.arr, processed as filetype "php array"

Filetime: 2024-07-27 08:10:46 UTC => Age 29 seconds

Expand this file as: space separated fields |  comma separated fields |  php array |  json encoded |  xml-text |  text

Unprocessed first 80 characters of the file :

Contents processed:
    [baromabsin] => 29.280
    [baromrelin] => 30.012
    [batt1] => 0
    [batt2] => 0
    [batt4] => 0
    [batt6] => 0
    [batt7] => 0
    [dailyrainin] => 1.110
    [dateutc] => 2024-07-27 08:10:44
    [drain_piezo] => 0.984
    [erain_piezo] => 1.075
    [eventrainin] => 1.366
    [freq] => 868M
    [gain10_piezo] => 1.00
    [gain20_piezo] => 1.00
    [gain30_piezo] => 1.00
    [gain40_piezo] => 1.00
    [gain50_piezo] => 1.00
    [hourlyrainin] => 0.028
    [hrain_piezo] => 0.024
    [humidity] => 99
    [humidity1] => 92
    [humidity2] => 99
    [humidity4] => 99
    [humidity6] => 99
    [humidity7] => 99
    [humidityin] => 67
    [leaf_batt1] => 1.70
    [leafwetness_ch1] => 99
    [lightning] => 12
    [lightning_num] => 0
    [lightning_time] => 1721500692
    [maxdailygust] => 8.7
    [model] => HP2551AE_Pro_V1.9.5
    [monthlyrainin] => 3.335
    [mrain_piezo] => 2.496
    [rainratein] => 0.000
    [rrain_piezo] => 0.024
    [solarradiation] => 229.83
    [stationtype] => EasyWeatherV1.6.7
    [temp1f] => 67.1
    [temp2f] => 65.1
    [temp4f] => 65.1
    [temp6f] => 65.5
    [temp7f] => 65.3
    [tempf] => 63.7
    [tempinf] => 77.0
    [uv] => 2
    [weeklyrainin] => 1.500
    [wh25batt] => 0
    [wh57batt] => 2
    [wh90batt] => 3.08
    [winddir] => 95
    [winddir_avg10m] => 86
    [windgustmph] => 3.8
    [windspdmph_avg10m] => 1.3
    [windspeedmph] => 1.8
    [wrain_piezo] => 1.114
    [ws90_ver] => 118
    [ws90cap_volt] => 3.3
    [yearlyrainin] => 29.465
    [yrain_piezo] => 26.469